GESi Diesel Stationary Power Solutions

Diesel Power Generation Applications

Diesel Power Generation Applications

Providing up to 98% emissions reduction for Diesel Power Generation and Stand-by Applications

Diesel Power Generation Emissions Solutions

Looking for diesel power generation emissions solutions? The GESi® Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) achieves an 85% to 99% reduction in particulate matter (soot). Each unit is designed using the actual operating conditions of the engine including duty cycle, baseline emissions, exhaust temperature profiles, and engine back pressure as specified by the manufacturer of the engine to ensure compatibility. Our GESi DPF solution can be installed on commissioning or retrofit and can be easily integrated with existing DOCs or SCRs and scales to any horsepower output required.
GESi Diesel Power Generation Install

Diesel Power Generation Emissions Reduction Potential

Typical DPF emissions reductions for Diesel Stationary Power applications:

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Particulate Matter

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Carbon Monoxide

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Non-Methane Hydrocarbons