GESi - Global Emissions Systems Inc.
GESi Emissions Control Solutions - DPF, SCR, DOC

GESi®- Industry Leading Emissions Control Technologies

For over 20 years, Global Emissions Systems Inc., GESi®, has specialized in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of emission control technologies aimed at reducing smog and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions from any commercial fuel burning engine, including gasoline, diesel, natural gas, propane, bio-diesel, landfill methane, bio-gas, and synthetic fuels.

1. Experienced engineers and chemists in emissions coating technologies

2. Proprietary wash coat technology

3. Government agency certification expertise

4. Proudly designed and manufactured in North America

Off-Road Emission Control Solutions

Learn more about our line of customized Global Emissions Systems Inc. solutions for the Off-Road market:

On-Road Emission Control Solutions

Discover more about our customized Global Emissions Systems Inc. solutions for the On-Road market:
GESi Emissions Reduction EPA Web
Global Emissions Systems Inc. (GESi®) has developed patented and proprietary technologies that have been verified and certified by independent third-party labs, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program through Environment Canada, and in Europe through the European Emission Standards.
Our technologies can reduce up to 99% of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). For diesel applications, we reduce at least 98.5% of diesel soot or particulate matter.